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St. Jude Radiothon 2024



A second chance: Two weeks after a few inches of snow paralyzed Atlanta and made Georgia a punchline to a national joke, it’s back. Snow and sleet are on the way, forecasters say. And Tuesday night into Wednesday could be the worst. This time, Georgia officials say they’re ready. An emergency has been declared. The salt trucks are in place. Schools are closed. The National Guard is on alert.


Exposed! Here’s something you never want to hear after surgery: You may have been exposed to an incurable disease. That’s what a North Carolina hospital told 18 patients recently. They may have been exposed to Creutzfeldt-Jakob, the hospital said. The disease is a serious and incurable neurological disorder. It turns out that a patient at the hospital had the disorder, and surgical instruments were not given the enhanced sterilization needed when the disorder is detected. Experts say it is a low chance that the patients will get the disease. And the hospital apologized.


Gone in 30 seconds: A new, dramatic video shows U.S. commandos nabbing a top terror suspect in Libya. And if you blink, you’ll miss it. Here’s how it went down: A dark car parks in front of a home. A white van stops next to it. Men leap from the van, pointing guns. They pull a man out and shove him into the van. The van speeds away. In less than 30 seconds, the United States had taken suspected al Qaeda member Anas al-Libi into custody. The security video of the lightning-quick capture was published yesterday in The Washington Post. Al-Libi is accused of having a key role in the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa. More than 200 died in those attacks. Al-Libi is now in New York awaiting trial.

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