Daily Dose Of Inspiration

The Christian life is an awesome, wonderful experience, but you have to grow up in your Christian walk. So many Christians want to grow up too fast and so they miss out; they let go of their faith confession before their blessings ever materialize. Jesus says in John 14:21-24:

The Christian life is an awesome, wonderful experience, but you have to grow up in your Christian walk. So many Christians want to grow up too fast and so they miss out; they let go of their faith confession before their blessings ever materialize. Jesus says in John 14:21-24:

In Genesis 45, the character qualities of Joseph are revealed. Joseph refuses to retaliate against his brothers, but rather he sets his family up for a breakthrough blessing. He transitions his family out of famine and lack into abundance. He changes their economic status; Joseph positioned his family to receive a bailout package.

In Genesis 45, the character qualities of Joseph are revealed. Joseph refuses to retaliate against his brothers, but rather he sets his family up for a breakthrough blessing. He transitions his family out of famine and lack into abundance. He changes their economic status; Joseph positioned his family to receive a bailout package.

Holly Robinson Peete is a Beautiful Humanitarian....

Holly Robinson Peete is a Beautiful Humanitarian....

On this past Sunday, we celebrated Father’s Day. And while many will celebrate, I realize many reading this devotional today may be upset, depressed, bitter and/or hurt because of their relationship (or lack of) with their father. This holiday may bring up old feelings and issues that have never been handled, just buried.

On this past Sunday, we celebrated Father’s Day. And while many will celebrate, I realize many reading this devotional today may be upset, depressed, bitter and/or hurt because of their relationship (or lack of) with their father. This holiday may bring up old feelings and issues that have never been handled, just buried.

So, with half the year behind us, now is a good time to review what you have accomplished so far in 2010 -- and to acknowledge what you still want to complete or fulfill by year-end.

So, with half the year behind us, now is a good time to review what you have accomplished so far in 2010 -- and to acknowledge what you still want to complete or fulfill by year-end.

Bishop T.D. Jakes has some tips to just have fun this summer....

Bishop T.D. Jakes has some tips to just have fun this summer....