Fitness & Nutrition

Elev8 Health

Eating a diet high in vegetables, fish, fruit, nuts and poultry, and low in red meat and butter may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Read the findings of this report here.

Elev8 Health

Check out these tips that will shave valuable minutes off your fitness routine while still getting you the same benefits as a full-length workout.

Elev8 Health

Squeezing in some extra walking every day is a great way to burn calories, boost mood, and lower your risk of disease. ChiWalking, can even cut down on aches and pains by incorporating elements of tai chi, yoga, and pilates.

Elev8 Health

What would you call people who can: help keep your weight off, boost your confidence, and make fitness fun? You might call them "miracle workers."

Elev8 Health

Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Think 'move' in small increments of time. "He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." -Arabian Proverb

Elev8 Health

Most guys in the gym—even the regulars—look about the same year after year. Maybe you do too, and that sucks. You don't go through life trying to stay where you are, so why are you still lifting the same weights as last year? Probably because you don't have a plan for progress. We do.

Elev8 Health

Finding healthy meals to make for your family everyday can be a chore. Here is a video to give you some quick and easy ideas. Check out this video on how to make Avacado Chicken Salad.

Elev8 Health

Are you always trying to figure out how to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Remember the old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well here is a short video that will help you with some ideas on how to make sure that you are getting the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day.

Elev8 Health

Many times when eating out or even at home we are not being careful about our food decisions. Women's Health.Gov has put together a list of small things that we can do to make our eating habits healthier.

Elev8 Health

Fre Flo Do. Developed by Los Angeles-based Kappel LeRoy Clarke, has become the hard hitting regimen of most major athletes, including Reggie Bush. Football's frenetic nature—the chaos that often calls for players to make split-second game- or career-changing decisions— is difficult to replicate in the gym. Take a look at Reggie's grueling training regimen.

Elev8 Health

We have all taken vitamins, and vitamin D has always been a part of the list. For years, we were told that we'd have our needs covered if we drank fortified milk, got a few minutes of daily sun exposure (which delivers the vitamin directly to us through our skin), or took calcium or multivitamin supplements containing additional amounts of vitamin D.

Elev8 Health

The addition of a tasty avocado spread adds a new twist to a vegetarian version of the classic BLT sandwich. Try this quick and easy 300 calorie vegetarian sandwich. Sure to make your mouth water.