Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell

Pantone declares a color for each year and most people just think that's the color we will see in our favorite stores for clothing.  But it's much more

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "The Importance Of Setting Goals"

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "Why Your Input Determines Your Output"

I know that God's got something great for me. I don't have to sit in that place of worry and wonder. We know the scripture says, be anxious for nothing.

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "Keep Your Past In The Rear View Mirror"

Happy Tuesday, everybody on this second day of the New Year, listen, I grew up real churchy, you know, Church of God in Christ, real not religious, but religious.

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "Secure Your Future with Clear Goals"

Another New Year's message to bless you good with a special word from Pastor Warren Campbell

Another New Year's message to bless you good from a wonderful man of God Bishop Joel Peebles, bless us with the word

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "How To Think Big This Year"

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "Kwanzaa Principle: Ujamaa: The Power of Cooperative Economics "

From Africa all the way to the Get Up Church, worship singer Kierre Bjorn and legendary producer Rodney East join the show to share their newest joint project! They introduce the single ‘Carry Me Through’ from the album Through It All by Halal Afrika. Want news at your fingertips? Text “ERICA” to 52140 to join […]