
via BlackDoctor: Looking for the 5 best meals for basketball players? Well, first of all, it’s important to note that athletes should maintain a healthy diet every day, not just on game day, for overall well being. Basketball is a sport that requires players to run and remain in constant motion for extended periods of […]

- Discussion

African-American athletes use their prominence and clout with increasing savvy and courage, borrowing what they know about branding to effect social change. Today, there is a new brand of black athlete. They’re courageous, high profile, and smarter than you think. These men and women are undoubtedly trendsetters who know how to use the power of […]


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and many people come together to support the survivors and victims of the unconscionable disease in different ways. There are numerous charities that one can choose from if they want to help out, but a couple athletes thought they would put their paychecks to good use for you. Kevin […]


  Professional athletes are making more money now than ever before. Unfortunately, many athletes have no experience managing such massive amounts of cash, so they often become the victims of unscrupulous parasites or live unsustainable lifestyles that eventually wipe out their finances. Here,NewsOne put together a list of seven pro-athletes who lost their fortunes to frivolous […]

- Daily Praise

Tim Tebow can wear all the Bible verses he wants on his eye black: Most Americans don’t mind professional athletes expressing their faith on and off the field, according to a new study. A poll conducted by Grey Matter Research and Consulting shows that 49 percent of Americans see athletes’ public expressions of faith favorably; […]