- Daily Praise

via getupmornings:” Chad Johnson and Michelle Williams have been showing off their love on the “Chad Loves Michelle” television show, but it looks like things are over now. On a social media post, Michelle announced that she was single again and wished Chad the best of luck. Nevertheless, on the show we’ve watched them talk about not having […]

- Daily Praise

It’s a good break up. It just didn’t work out. They’ve been broken up for about two months now. If you watched the Mary Mary reality show you know all about the ups and downs of Justin and Goo Goo‘s long distance relationship. Erica and Tina were concerned because they really didn’t know him because of the distance. article courtesy […]


Trin-I-Tee 5:7 Becomes A Duo!! Adrian Anderson Says Goodbye


Trin-I-Tee 5:7 Becomes A Duo!! Adrian Anderson Says Goodbye