- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Erica Campbell spoke about being the greatest at things in life. Warryn Campbelltalked about his favorite fighter, Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest of all times. Ali went through public victories and experienced backlash on multiple occasions. He went up against the US government because he didn’t agree with fighting in a war. For 3 years […]

- Daily Praise

via GetUpMornings: In life sometimes we experience good and bad things. Erica Campbell spoke about how precious she thought GRIFF talking about spending time with his daughter was. We must take those great moments of life and never forget them, but sometimes we reflect on the negative ones instead. We allow the bad to outweigh the bad. Focus on […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: If God asked you what you wanted would you know how to respond? Erica Campbellspoke about yielding yourself to God. She also spoke about how she would respond to God   Erica would ask God to make sure she is a reflection of him, take her down the correct path and to be wise. She believes […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Do you ever think you’re not doing enough? Erica Campbell spoke about how she always tells herself she wants to do better. In everything she does she believes she must walk on the path that God has called for her.   She said, “Faith without works is dead.” Erica wants to be her best self and will […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: [protected-iframe id=”bc955b1f28df2a5221c1737830c71c69-32288319-31448378″ info=”https://w3.cdn.anvato.net/player/prod/v3/anvload.html?key=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%3D%3D” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” webkitallowfullscreen=”” mozallowfullscreen=”” allowfullscreen=”” Erica Campbell is reflecting on how good God is. She is so grateful for all these blessing in her life as her show “We’re The Campbells,” premieres tonight on TV Oneat 8pm/7c. Erica mentioned that while being interview it makes you think about where you came from […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Erica Campbell speaks about sex outside of the marriage. She talked about how women that have children out of wedlock are sometimes treated horrible by others in the church. Erica mentioned that she isn’t condoning this, but they should be treated like God treats them. If God forgives them and they repent there should be no […]

- Daily Praise

via getUpMornings: Erica Campbell spoke about how sometimes people are talking, but we aren’t listening. She explained that listening and hearing someone are two different things and sometimes we confuse them. We might be talking to someone about a topic we don’t agree on and continue to tell the person that we are hearing them when […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings:   From time to time, Erica Campbell likes to read articles on Forbes. She read an interesting article on weak words that you shouldn’t use. Statements like, “I only have this to say,” or , “Maybe,” need to replaced with stronger and more confident words. She mentioned that saying, “I’m confident,” or , “I’m convinced,” […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Erica Campbell spoke about how her sisters sometimes just sit and people watch. When people do that they sometimes laugh about what people are doing. Erica mentioned that when you do that it will come back to you and how it’s a form of karma.   You have to be careful about how you […]

- Daily Praise

via GetUpMornings: Erica Campbell reflects on how great God is and how thankful she is for family. Her sent went into early labor this past weekend and she wasn’t around, but had updates all day from family. She believes family looks out for you when you need it most. Family just doesn’t have to be blood relatives either […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings:   Erica Campbell spoke about how she is normally in cheerleader mode, but right now she’s feeling a little low. She wants to take a break and knows that it can’t happen. Erica asked for super natural strength to help her with her sister wedding, write her book, perform and more.   She is […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Erica Campbell spoke about sin and what it does to you. She mentioned as much as you want to make excuses of why you did the sin it will consume you. It makes us go against God and can cause a lot of chaos in our relationships, personal life and more. Erica also reminded us to […]