Family Health

via BlackDoctor: The eyes are more than just the windows to your soul; they are also windows to your health. Symptoms of many serious health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver issues are first seen in the eyes. Most professionals recommend getting your eyes checked once a year, but take a close look […]

Family Health

viaBlackDoctor: The eyes are more than just the windows to your soul; they are also windows to your health. Symptoms of many serious health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver issues are first seen in the eyes. Most professionals recommend getting your eyes checked once a year, but take a close look at […]


The eyes are more than just the windows to your soul; they are also windows to your health. Symptoms of many serious health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and liver issues are first seen in the eyes. Most professionals recommend getting your eyes checked once a year, but take a close look at the […]