- Daily Praise

How do you deal with mean people? Erica Campbell knows that there are messed up people in the world and in the church, but wants to make sure we’re dealing with them the right way. She mentioned that the enemy uses them to be mean. Erica doesn’t want us wasting our time attacking them back and instead extend […]

- Daily Praise

  via GetUpMornings:   During today’s Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell Faith Walk, Erica takes notice of how God does not choose favorites.  God loves all of his children regardless of our sins or misgivings.  God has equal love for everyone … regardless of your profession … regardless of how regularly you attend church […]

- Daily Praise

via Getupmornings: No shouldn’t stop you from anything in life. A yes will always come and sometimes no teaches you a lot about yourself. It’s necessary in life and can make you a stronger person and mature you. Hearing no doesn’t mean you aren’t talented, it just means there is something else out there for […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: We all go through really tough times in life and Erica Campbell spoke about being honest about that. People that are close to us know when we are going through something and will ask us several times, but we won’t tell them. Erica wants us to ask again because at that time the person you […]

- Daily Praise

viagetupmornings: Erica Campbell is speaking to everyone that is going through a process of trying to be successful. She mentioned you get 5 comments and then start to feel yourself and let your ego block you from blessings. Some people go around insulting others and think they are above them. Erica believes you can’t do that […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: We have so much to do in life and use that as an excuse sometimes not to do things. Erica Campbell spoke about being so busy that you don’t help others. Jesus uses people to help others and we should follow those orders. It’s good to send blessings and pray for others, but you shouldn’t be so […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: [protected-iframe id=”2148b54ab8493ec786243c319bb1e300-32288319-31448378″ info=”https://w3.cdn.anvato.net/player/prod/v3/anvload.html?key=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%3D%3D” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” webkitallowfullscreen=”” mozallowfullscreen=”” allowfullscreen=”” Erica Campbell spoke about how God gave us the earth and blesses us in so many ways. She wants us to stay strong and faithful. When we focus on blessings instead of negativity it can change our life. Erica mentioned that sometimes people won’t understand your […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings: Erica Campbell spoke about how God gave us the earth and blesses us in so many ways. She wants us to stay strong and faithful. When we focus on blessings instead of negativity it can change our life. Erica mentioned that sometimes people won’t understand your faith, but we must continue to let him use us. […]

- Daily Praise

via Getupmornings: Do you want to do something but don’t feel you’re equipped? Erica Campbell talks about how we must not doubt ourselves. She also mentioned that God has equipped us with the tools to get through things in life. If you never open the door to receive your blessing you won’t know if you’re equipped to handle it. […]

- Daily Praise

via getupmornings:   We all have things we want to do in life, but it might not be apart of God’s plan. Erica Campbell talked about how you have to follow God’s will even it’s something you don’t think you want to follow. The relationship you have with God will help you. You have to ask yourself if […]

- Daily Praise

via getuperica:   Erica Campbell can recall the day her husband, Warryn Campbell found out he had cancer. They were at the doctors office and Erica at first freaked out, but after calling Tina Campbell she kept saying, “God is a healer.” Every Friday Erica would lay hands on her husband and pray for heeling. She wants everyone that is suffering […]

- Daily Praise

  Erica Campbell spoke about being broke. She remembers being young and working many jobs just to survive. Erica talked about how everyone isn’t rich and it’s all apart of the process. If you are over spending and not budgeting then that’s a problem you need to work on. People also shouldn’t compare themselves to what […]