God wants daily fellowship with you. Here are some things that will help you walk in the love of God daily in your relationships with others 1. Give attention to the Holy Spirit. He is the love of God. Start with the Holy Ghost before you turn on the Today Show. 2. Spend time in […]

  As a preacher’s kid, I grew up hearing and reading about faith. As an adult I’ve come to know and experience what faith is and does. FAITH: loyalty, belief and trust in God. I am a fan of Webster.com and when I typed “trust” I noticed the derivatives were, “trustability”, “trustable”, “truster”, “trustingly”, “trustingness”. […]

  Have you ever run out of gas? I have. It is such a frustrating feeling! It’s so frustrating because in almost every case it could have easily been avoided…because you don’t run out of gas on accident. You always run out of gas on purpose. By putting off that quick pit stop at the local gas […]

  I have had some decisions in life that I literally agonized over. I’m talking blood, sweat, and tears. I prayed, meditated, sought advice and counsel, read books and scriptures, wrote out pros and cons, slept on it, and tossed it over and over in my mind. And while some of those previous components are […]

    You wouldn’t give your 5-year-old a 12-gauge shotgun or a big Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Shotguns and motorcycles are great – but they’re for adults. You need maturity to handle them. Giving such gifts to your child would endanger them, and everybody else around them. The gifts just don’t fit the person. Perhaps you’re a […]

God put us on this earth to know Him and to glorify Him, but that comes as a revelation to some people. They think they are on this earth to make their mark on society, or to find a career and make a living, or to have a family. Or, they believe they are here […]

  About 2,200 miles off the coast of South America is a little island called Easter Island. It was named that because it was found by a Dutch explorer in the 1700s on Easter Sunday. Not many people live there. However, because of its location, it is used for navigation. There is navigational equipment on […]

The word of God is calling us to come out of our religious rhetoric and placating piety to convey a message to the body of Christ as well as the world that it’s the inside that counts. Enough of just doing “just to do.” Enough of putting on. Enough of walking around, looking good on […]

- Daily Praise

In this Ericaism, Erica Campbell explains that forgiveness isn’t something you just do once. You have to keep revisiting and nurturing forgiveness so that you can truly let go off whatever it is that should be forgiven. When you don’t forgive, you hold in the negativity, and that can take root in your body and actually […]

- Daily Praise

This is a great Song of the Day by the Late Rev James Moore…..”God Will Take Care Of You”  

About 2,200 miles off the coast of South America is a little island called Easter Island. It was named that because it was found by a Dutch explorer in the 1700s on Easter Sunday. Not many people live there. However, because of its location, it is used for navigation. There is navigational equipment on the […]

God wants daily fellowship with you. Here are some things that will help you walk in the love of God daily in your relationships with others 1. Give attention to the Holy Spirit. He is the love of God. Start with the Holy Ghost before you turn on the Today Show. 2. Spend time in […]