- Discussion

via TheChristianPost/Jim Denison: How can our faith be as bold and joyous as his? How can we serve Jesus with such passion today? “Spiritual gifts” are a crucial, often neglected part of the answer. God’s supreme gift to his people is himself. He gave his Son for us, sending him to die in our place […]

- Daily Praise

Though God has blessed all of us with talents, we don’t always feel like we know what to do with these gifts. But if the creator of all things has embedded these wonderful abilities, as well as dreams, within you—and He definitely has—He will give you the courage, strategy and all you need to successfully […]

- Local News

Though God has blessed all of us with talents, we don’t always feel like we know what to do with these gifts. Here are 5 things to remember that will boost your confidence in what the Holy Spirit has already implanted within you. It is Him working through you. Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is […]

Are You Embracing You God Given Talents