One in five high school students seriously considers suicide. In light of the suicide by train of a 16-year-old girl from Vermilion , local advocacy groups are offering parents warning signs of teen depression. According to Pat Lyden, executive director of the Suicide Prevention Education Alliance, suicide is the most preventable form of death because […]

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Youths who spend a lot of time on social media sites are at risk of “Facebook depression,” a group of doctors say. Though the symptoms and the resulting harmful behavior may be similar to “offline depression,” the American Academy of Pediatrics has proposed Facebook depression as a new phenomenon. The AAP issued a new clinical […]

- Discussion

Youths who spend a lot of time on social media sites are at risk of “Facebook depression,” a group of doctors say. Though the symptoms and the resulting harmful behavior may be similar to “offline depression,” the American Academy of Pediatrics has proposed Facebook depression as a new phenomenon. The AAP issued a new clinical […]