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St. Jude Radiothon 2024

In my vocation as a pastor, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to individuals and large groups at churches and at events across the country. In these off-line conversations a common theme emerges: people are growing increasingly dissatisfied with mere survival. They know intuitively that there’s more to life than the status quo

This age-old angst is magnified 100-fold in hard economic times.

When you encounter hardship, you can’t continue down the same familiar, comfortable path, sticking with what you know, doing what you’ve always done. Mike Tyson famously mused: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

When things aren’t going according to plan, it’s time to head in another direction. It’s time to reinvent the dream.
More often than not, hard times are the catalyst that invariably sets you up to repurpose pursuits and reignite the vision.
I’ve learned to look for the opportunity within the adversity.
More often than not, our struggles will invite us to develop new skills and to connect to that internal inkling that we were created for something greater.
When we pay close attention, we find that God is constantly revealing hidden talents and undiscovered passions that help unstick and unlock our circumstances.
If we put one foot in front of the other even when the way seems uncertain, a path will emerge like an old Polaroid peeling away the darkness to reveal a clearly formed image right before our eyes.
So begins the journey of transformation.
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