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Specific threats: The Olympics in Sochi are kicking off in just two days, which means you might hear the name Imarat Kavkaz a few times. It means Caucasus Emirate. They’re a radical Islamist group with sights set on creating a holy state in a part of Russia that may include Sochi. U.S. officials say they pose the biggest terror menace to the games, and that officials are looking into “specific threats.”


Glassine bags: Those are small envelops dealers use to package drugs. Police say they found 350 yesterday on four people they arrested. They might be connected with the drugs in Philip Seymour Hoffman’s apartment. Police also looked into what the actor was up to before he died. Turns out he pulled $1,200 from an ATM Saturday while talking to a couple of guys.


Too quick on the trigger: Remember Christopher Dorner, that ex-LAPD officer, who went on a guerrilla warfare rampage last year over his firing? He killed a former police captain’s daughter, led police on a massive manhunt that ended in a wild shootout at a burning cabin. Back then some officers overreacted and shot up a pickup truck passing by. It injured two women. Now eight of them face discipline – from getting intensive training to getting fired.

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