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Let the politicking begin: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has officially announced hiscandidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. “I’m running for President and I hope to earn your support!” he tweeted early this morning. Cruz, 44, is the first candidate to formally throw his hat in the ring for what’s expected to be a crowded GOP primary — one that’s likely to include Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. Cruz has been a constant and vocal critic of the Obama administration.


Violence spreads: Yemen is a mess and a U.N. envoy says the Gulf nation is on “the edge of civil war.” Houthi militants took over the airport in Taiz as they swept through the city and surrounding province over the weekend. Things have gotten so bad that the U.S. military has pulled its remaining personnel due to the deteriorating security situation. The U.S. had used a military base in Yemen to stage attacks against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. There are concerns terrorists will use the chaos to spread their reach.


Possible ISIS connection: No one’s heard of it before, but a group calling itself the Islamic State Hacking Organization has posted the names, photos and addresses of about 100 U.S. troops online. It calls for attacks against them. The file was posted online over the weekend before it was removed. Whoever posted it claimed to have hacked military data bases. U.S. officials take these things seriously Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder said that the threat of a lone-wolf attack inside the United States is one thing that keeps him awake at night.

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