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St. Jude Radiothon 2024

A local teacher is partnering with barbers in a unique venture to get young boys in his New York City neighborhood reading more books, one haircut at a time.

Alvin Irby is a former school teacher and he’s changing how young black boys read with Barbershop Books, a non-profit that aims to close the reading achievement gap among black boys.

“Many young boys of color don’t interact with a lot of adults males who look like them, as it relates to reading,” he said.

And another major challenge Irby said he’s seen: “I believe that a lot of young black boys don’t identify as readers, and a lot of that deals with limited access to engaging materials.”

So he decided to bring books into the barber shops.

They’re “one of the few places left in black communities where people, families of different socioeconomic levels interact,” according to Irby

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