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St. Jude Radiothon 2024
Pastor David Winston

Source: Provided by Pastor David Winston / Pastor David Winston

Pastor David Winston joins us at the Get Up! Church today. Winston is a pastor at Living Word Christian Church. In Forest Park, IL, where his father, Bill Winston, is the Senior Pastor, He’s also the founder and creator of the Winston Leadership Institute. His book “Authentic” is set to be released on February 21st.


It’s easy to imitate others, but it takes courage to be yourself. Stop questioning your value. God has designed you exactly as you are to accomplish your unique purpose on the earth. Authentic will empower you to uncover your hidden potential and become confident in your uniqueness

Pastor Winston tells Erica what inspired him to write this book saying “Well, you know, during the years of pastoring whether I’m working with just kind of the general membership or people in general or youth, concluded that the number one thing or one of the biggest things that hold people back from becoming great, is not valuing themselves.

You know, growing up in church I didn’t want to be a pastor and God spoke to me when I was at college and called me into a full-time ministry and so after I went into full-time ministry, you know I just subsequently stepped into my father’s shadow if I could say it like that.

And you know, a lot of times whenever you’re a PK, right, there’s a lot of comparisons being made or expectations that are being put on you whether they’re said or not. You start to feel some of that weight, some of that pressure and in that environment I found myself struggling to find my own voice and my own unique genius. And the Lord just spoke to me one morning and started talking to me about who he’s created me to be and gave me this revelation, he said. You could never do what your dad has been called to do because your dad has been designed for his purpose in his time, but your father can’t do what you’ve been called to do because you’ve been designed for your purpose in your specific time. And so, I discovered that not only are we different, but we’re both valuable because of the unique genius that we carry. This book is an extension of that and it teaches you how to have confidence in who God made you to be and understand that you’ve been given your unique personality for the very purpose that you’re put on the Earth to achieve.”








Pastor David Winston Talks New Book “Authentic”  was originally published on

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