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How to Pursue Your Dreams | Money Monday

St. Jude Radiothon 2024
GUMEC Money Mondays Dave Anderson

Source: R1 Digital / Dave Anderson

There are so many people who are feeling like they need to move out of the shaky job market and pursue their dreams, but how can you do it and make a living for your passion to get answers?  We’ve got multi $1,000,000 business Coach Dave Anderson, he’s with us this morning. 



So, Dave, what inspired you to become a business coach and share your expertise with other people. 



Dave Anderson 

Well, Erica, according to Yahoo Finance, almost 50% of Americans hate their jobs so much that they would. They wouldn’t even wish them on their worst enemy so I was like, man, I gotta do something. And so I wanted to help people activate their gifts and live happily doing the things that they absolutely love. Because the one thing we all know about life is nobody’s getting out of here alive. 




Nobody listen, what advice would you give to someone who’s starting their entrepreneurial journey and wants to build a strong foundation for their business? 


Dave Anderson 

The thing that I would say is stay away from all the stuff that looks glamorous. You gotta do the ugly stuff, the stuff and quiet that quiet in a way. So you got to get your business right, because if your business isn’t right, it will go left for you. 

So get your LLC, get your EIN number, open up a business bank account, and then the main thing, aside from that is make sure you make your move before you’re ready, meaning there’s never a perfect time to have a baby, just like there’s never a perfect time to start a business. 




We talking to the business bully Dave Anderson, I’ve watched so many videos on him. That’s why I’m excited that he’s on the show. How much of A role does mindset play in achieving financial success? 


Dave Anderson 


Listen, I’m gonna be honest. It’s absolutely everything. Your thoughts are things they have power, so, so many people wanna be and they wanna live in abundant lifestyle. But they are terrified and have a minimal mindset, so you gotta visualize yourself achieving the outcome that you want. 

Also, you got to stop listening to people who haven’t done the things that you want to do. They may love you, but they can’t help you. So find the people whose lives line up with the vision that you have for your life, and then you just gotta make sure you speak life into yourself. 



Give us some of your insights on your best selling book that have resonated with most entrepreneurs looking to improve their business acumen because many people have a great product of great, great business, but they do not know how to sell it. 


Dave Anderson 

And Erica, the thing of it is I know that some people are gonna get mad at me, so forgive me in advance. 

But Jesus was more than just, you know the everything in our lives. He had things to teach us. He was an amazing recruiter and he was a phenomenal salesman and one of the things that you see so much is that people did not get. In the time where Jesus walked amongst us the theological teachings. But you know what they did understand? They understood stories. 

And so Jesus taught from a story perspective. Think about it, your favorite pastors all use the same book, but it’s not the book that makes them good preachers. It’s their ability to convey a story simply. And that’s the thing, if you tell your story. People will be impacted because people don’t just buy products and services, they’re they buy people in. 



Dave, tell us, how can people connect with you and find out more about what? 


Dave Anderson 

So, two things. First, you can always follow. Me at all social media,  at the business bully or on my website where you can get a free business training at the business 



How to Pursue Your Dreams | Money Monday  was originally published on

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