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Ministry or Support Group | Faith Walking

St. Jude Radiothon 2024
faith walking

Source: c/s / iOne

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I was talking to a friend and they were saying they wanted to start a ministry. Here’s the hard part for me when I am mentoring, when I’m training, when I am encouraging people who are in their faith walk right. If we have walked through the difficult stage and I see you on the other side of victory and you say now I want to share it. I’m cheering you on 100%, but if you are still in the throes in the thick of the battle and you just got past Stage 1. And you come and tell me, Hey God said start a ministry. I’m going to question you. I’m going to ask you, are you fully prepared? Because here’s what I know. The moment you say I’m starting something. The enemy got a whole strategy and plan on how to take you down. And if you have not walked in victory in that space, you may just go backwards. So you should ask yourself, am I starting a ministry or do I need a support group? 


Because sometimes you just want to be around people that are like you and that is OK, but ministry means I am helping teaching training you to walk into victory right now. Does that mean that God doesn’t use you until everything is gone? Not at all. Because we see in Scripture that there were people who are still struggling and we’re still working for Jesus. But when it comes to starting something where you are supposed to. Oh, let me show you how to get to a place of deliverance. I ain’t there yet, though. That’s more of a support group than a ministry and a lot of times people feel like I’ve not seen them address this in church or my community, so I want to start something that’s good, but find somebody that is maybe further along in their faith. And can operate as an overseer or a leader in a way that when the battle comes, you’ll have somebody fighting with you.  


But when you start things and I’ve seen people do it with many, many areas, something that they struggle with and you know, they begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel and they say I’m going to start a ministry, right. You have to make sure that you have looked at all the sides of what that means, because even though you want to help, you have to have strategy, right? You can’t just fly by the seat of your pants. And I want you to win. I want you to succeed, so make sure you have done the things that you need to do in order to succeed, right? One must be wise to win souls, right? You must have strategy when you’re doing certain things. You need finances, you need staffing. You need all of that. So let’s make sure you know the difference between a ministry and a support group support groups are great. You need people who’ve been where you’ve been and y’all can talk it through and you know, share where you are together. But ministry has a different connotation, so let’s make sure that we are intentional about that. Alright, love you and I mean it. That is my faith walk for the day.  





Ministry or Support Group | Faith Walking  was originally published on

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