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Michael Reagan, a political consultant and commentator, urged Americans to pray for their president regardless of political difference

“It’s easy to pray for your friends. It’s hard to pray for your political opponents,” wrote the son of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan in a commentary for Fox News. “But that’s just what Jesus tells us to do: Love your enemies and pray for them. We disobey our own Scriptures if we don’t pray for our political opponents.”

Reagan reminded Christians to put public interest before personal favoritism, especially when presenting their opinions.

“We need to keep our dialogue focused on issues, not personalities,” he urged. “Yes, we still oppose and expose the harm our opponents are doing to our country. I want to critique my opponents without hating them.”

Referring to 1 Timothy 2:2 – where apostle Paul asked believers to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives” – Reagan urged Christians to pray for President Obama even though they may not share his political view.

In the light of the unrest in Egypt amongst other nations in the Muslim world, Obama is now facing enormous challenges around the globe, Reagan pointed out.

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