About roneepowell


You may have heard the story about the man living in a 14×60 trailer who got a $12,864 electric bill, or the Corpus Christie man who was billed $7.7 million by his water company, or the Canadian whose cell phone provider hit him up for $85,000–the list truly goes on and on and on. Now […]

- Daily Praise

It’s Saturday and we have made it through the week. Here is a joyous way to approach your errands and what ever you may be doing today. Marvin can always make us feel great. This song is from Marvin Sapp’s album “Here I am” The lyrics are an encouragement to shake off the week’s injuries. […]


On May 18, first lady Michelle Obama will deliver the commencement address to the liberal arts women’s college located in Atlanta, Georgia, White House sources said today. “In a personal address, the first lady will discuss her upbringing, and the significance of being part of the first generation in her family to graduate from college,” […]

- Daily Praise

“Duck Behind God, When The Crazy Starts Flying” D (Dodge) U (underdeveloped) C (consciousness) K (kindly) – Iyanla Vanzant

- Daily Praise

This week we change it up  a little bit and your feelgood video of the week are comedians who bring you a smile.  Start your Friday with a laugh or two. Remember that laughter is the best medicine that we have in our lives and for the most part  it is free. Watch below and […]

- Daily Praise

The 2011 St Jude Radiothon benefiting The St Jude Children Research Hospitial will be Thursday March 31st Starting at 6am until 7pm Please Become a Partner In Hope…This is another Special Video Just for you….

- Daily Praise

Ricky Dillard & New G will hold a release concert called “The White Party” on April 24th for their new album. The album will be called “Keep Living” and it is set to release on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. As you probably guessed, they named it “The White Party” for a reason. They are asking […]

Yolanda Adams

Here’s 2 minutes with “America’ Bishop” Bishop Secular…Today The Bishop is talking about helping one of his members Tasha…

- Daily Praise

In light of all the craziness that is happening in our world with natural diasters and war, let us place all our worries and cares before the One we know cares.Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He […]

- Daily Praise

You can overcome every habit, because God has clearly stated that you can. Isn’t that amazing? That’s a blessing! You are not involved in a hopeless fight. Oh, hear me if you are suffering a habit. The fact that God says “Do it!” is a joy. You can beat it. Some of you have resolved […]


Despite the fact that the U.S. has recognized Rebecca Lanier as 119 years old, making her the world’s oldest person, Guinness is refusing to recognize her due to the fact that she had slave parents and could not obtain a birth certificate. The U.K. Daily Mail reports: Because Mrs Lanier is black she was born […]

- Daily Praise

Mary Mary is on the cover of Rolling Out Magazine March 2011 issue and they are discussing their brand new album and even controversy that continuously follows them because of their unique sound that some say is a sell out to the gospel! Mary Mary (Erica and Tina) on talk of their crossover gospel: “Whenever […]