Fitness & Nutrition

Elev8 Health

Scientists say being fat can be bad for the bedroom, especially if you’re a woman.

Elev8 Health

Via: NIM.NIH.Gov If you frequent your local grocer, you may have encountered this dilemma while in the produce section–whether or not to buy organic. New research has found that there is no strong evidence that organic products have nutritional health benefits. The few studies that were conducted were short term and showed to have limitations. […]

Elev8 Health

Via: NIM.NIH.Gov If you frequent your local grocer, you may have encountered this dilemma while in the produce section–whether or not to buy organic. New research has found that there is no strong evidence that organic products have nutritional health benefits. The few studies that were conducted were short term and showed to have limitations. […]

Elev8 Health

Via: WebMD.Com As women age, the threat of gaining weight increases. There seems to be a solution to this problem. A new study shows women who are at a healthy weight already and get an hour of moderate activity every day can avoid gaining any unwanted pounds. A lot of research has been done to […]

Elev8 Health

Via: WebMD.Com As women age, the threat of gaining weight increases. There seems to be a solution to this problem. A new study shows women who are at a healthy weight already and get an hour of moderate activity every day can avoid gaining any unwanted pounds. A lot of research has been done to […]

Elev8 Health

It is never too early or too late to address the health of your family. Here are a few ideas for showing your children how to live a healthy life.

Elev8 Health

Breaking up your fitness routine is hard to do. But it's crucial for avoiding the bigger heartache of overuse injury, fitness experts say.

Elev8 Health

School meals matter. Just ask any teacher or parent and they’ll tell you that children who lack proper nutrition have trouble focusing in school.

Elev8 Health

If someone with a busy lifestyle that includes working, taking care of family and always being on the go, it can be difficult to find time to work out.

Elev8 Health

VIA: It’s been many years since I had to prepare lunches for schoolchildren. But I did do it for more than a decade, and mostly on a budget. With hot lunches at many schools being costly or of poor nutritional value, it is certainly wiser and healthier to pack your own. While there is […]

Elev8 Health

VIA: FITNESS.COM   Building good exercising habits can be a bit of a lifestyle change, but with these exercises it is plain to see that anybody can do them. You have no excuses to not create a more healthy lifestyle through exercise because you should not have to leave your house to do this. These […]

At 73, Ernestine Shepherd is in better shape than most people decades her junior. Up at 3 a.m. every morning, she spends her days running, lifting weights and working out other senior citizens at the Union Memorial United Methodist Church in Baltimore. She also works as a certified personal trainer at her gym. read full […]