- Daily Praise

via UsaToday: Religious publishers say President Donald Trump’s most recent proposed tariffs on Chinese imports could result in a Bible shortage. That’s because millions of Bibles – some estimates put it at 150 million or more – are printed in China each year. Critics of a proposed tariff say it would make the Bible more expensive […]

- Daily Praise

The word of God is reaching the masses. Last year, the highest number of Bibles were given out by Bible Societies around the world 2014 saw the highest number of printed Bibles ever distributed by Bible Societies around the world. Nearly 34 million full Bibles were distributed, a rise of 6% over 2013’s figures and […]

- Daily Praise

  Countless NFL players are focused on helping their teams get to and through the playoffs which is fast approaching, but there were seven Christian athletes in particular who focused on spreading the word of God off of the football field this holiday season. Athletes for Charity teamed up with seven NFL players to host […]