When you hear the word chia your mind probably goes to those commercials with the fuzzy green novelty items that would grow a full coat within one to two weeks. Well, chia seeds are the reason why those Chia Pets get their lush, green coating. Fast-forward a few decades, those same chia seeds are being […]


The former University of Akron student who forced a plane to make an emergency landing at Hopkins International Airport appeared in court on Tuesday. Bond for Saleh Ali S. Alramakh, 21, was set at one-million dollars in Cleveland Municipal Court. He faces one felony count of interfering with flight crew members and attendants. The Riyadh, […]


The former University of Akron student who forced a plane to make an emergency landing at Hopkins International Airport appeared in court on Tuesday. Bond for Saleh Ali S. Alramakh, 21, was set at one-million dollars in Cleveland Municipal Court. He faces one felony count of interfering with flight crew members and attendants. The Riyadh, […]