Family Health

The similarities between cold, flu and allergy symptoms can sometimes be close enough to cause much confusion. It can also result in your making the wrong diagnosis, and thus treating your symptoms with the wrong medications and remedies. Incorrect treatment can potentially lead to more serious conditions and infections. So, how can you tell exactly […]

Bishop Secular has a problem with a cold church, and here are some ways you know when your church is too cold. Take a listen…


CLEVELAND – I thought I had seen everything, until today. Wednesday was the first really cold wet rainy snowy morning of this 2011-12 winter season — and I happened upon two guys surfing off of Edgewater Beach. They had large kite-like sails with strings attached to controls and a surfboard with hoop holders for their […]


CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued updated guidance to health care professionals on the administration of influenza vaccinations. As a result of this guidance, Giant Eagle Pharmacy has discontinued use of needle free technology for flu shots, but will continue to administer the flu vaccine via traditional needle injection. Giant […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Now is the time to get your flu shot. If you don’t think the flu should be taken seriously, ask almost any emergency room doctor. “Seasonal influenza is the most deadly microorganism in history.” With that established there’s no explaining why so many people don’t get flu shots. flu shots wear […]

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Now is the time to get your flu shot. If you don’t think the flu should be taken seriously, ask almost any emergency room doctor. “Seasonal influenza is the most deadly microorganism in history.” With that established there’s no explaining why so many people don’t get flu shots. flu shots wear […]


The Winter is making a big statement all across the U.S. this holiday season.  Heavy winds, cold flurries and a lot of snow have ushered  into many cities and made a grand entrance.  Bundling up and keeping warm is the best way to survive this season.  Who likes to be cold anyway? 1. Before thinking […]


HEALTH & WELLNESS: SUPER FOODS THAT FIGHT COLDS Source: Madame Noire Thought chicken soup was the only food that helps fight the common cold? Well guess again. The viruses that cause the common cold and flu (also called influenza) don’t respond to antibiotics, and common over-the-counter cold treatments don’t actually shorten or prevent a cold or […]


HEALTH & WELLNESS: SUPER FOODS THAT FIGHT COLDS Source: Madame Noire Thought chicken soup was the only food that helps fight the common cold? Well guess again. The viruses that cause the common cold and flu (also called influenza) don’t respond to antibiotics, and common over-the-counter cold treatments don’t actually shorten or prevent a cold or […]