
If you want to encourage loved ones to take better care of themselves in the new year, researchers may have uncovered the secret to success. Instead of nagging, which is likely to be counterproductive, simply ask, “Will you exercise this year?” The authors of a new study say the approach, known as the “question-behavior effect,” […]

Family Health

New Year’s resolutions. We know you’ve made a few. Like the year before that. And the year before that. So quick question: are you going to actually keep them this time around Each January, roughly one in three Americans resolve to better themselves in some way. A much smaller percentage of people actually make good […]

For many people, a new year equals a new commitment to lose weight. Or workout more. Or eat less junk food. Some of these people will succeed…but most won’t. In fact, according to studies, four out of five people who make New Year’s resolutions will eventually break them…and a third won’t even make it to […]


Statistics reveal that 80% of all New Year’s resolutions are not accomplished.  Oprah Winfrey said that intention rules the world, because when you are truly clear about what you want – the entire universe stands on tip top waiting to assist you in miraculous and amazing ways to manifest your dream or intention. read full […]