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via BlackDoctor:

We’ve all heard the saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” and for good reason. Eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning jump starts your metabolism helping you burn more calories during the day. It also helps with mental clarity, gives you fiber and calcium, and helps you perform better. When eating a light breakfast, we are easing the body from a fasting state to an eating state; hence the term break-fast because you are breaking the fast.

While there are many healthy breakfast options adding or eating fruit for your morning meal contributes many benefits to your overall health.

1. Strengthen the Immune System

Fruit is high in vitamin C and antioxidants which help to boost the immune system throughout the day,

2. Weight Loss

Fruit helps the body go through a detoxification phase that helps rid the body of excess toxins which help the body to lose weight. Lemon is a major source to release toxins into the body every morning. A simple glass of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon your body almost immediately goes through its own cleanses phase.

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