Women's Health

via BlackDoctor: Boston University researchers surveyed nearly 4,000 women and more than 1,000 of their male partners, looking at everyone’s medical history, lifestyle factors and diet. The data revealed that drinking soda was linked to a reduction in the average monthly probability of conception for both men and women. Women who drank at least one […]


  An ordinance proposed by Cleveland City Council Monday night would ban minors from buying energy drinks within the city. If passed, the emergency ordinance would not allow energy drinks to be sold to anyone under 18 and would remove them from certain vending machines. The measure has yet to be voted on by city council. […]

The FDA is investigating reports of five deaths and a nonfatal heart attack in people who drank high-caffeine energy drinks made by the Monster Energy Company. Meanwhile, a Maryland couple has filed a wrongful death suit against the company, alleging that their product killed their 14-year-old daughter. They say Anais Fournier, 14, collapsed after drinking […]

Think you need an energy drink to make it through the afternoon? After drinking one of these, you might not make it at all. Incident reports released by the FDA show that over the past three years, five people may have died after drinking Monster Energy, reports the New York Times. The mother of one of […]