via BlackDoctor: It’s not a new revelation that sugar is bad for our health. High sugar intake leads to high BMI, obesity, a decline in oral hygiene, and diabetes. However, what’s not often discussed is the significant impact of a high sugar diet on mental health. There is conclusive research on the negative impact it […]

Family Health

via BlackDoctor: Sugar is hidden in so many things we eat and drink that it’s almost impossible to go through a day without consuming at least a little bit of sugar. But when you take in too much sugar it affects your blood, your organs and your overall health leading to a number of diseases. […]

getty images: Occasionally, we all go overboard with sugar. But recently, the American Heart Association told parents the sweets overload is a consistent problem and needs to be curbed. Too much added sugar in processed foods and sweetened drinks leads to obesity, high blood pressure and even diabetes for kids. So how much sugar should […]

Family Health

“Lose some weight,” “Don’t eat fat,” “Reduce sodium,” “Stay away from sugar,” “Eat smaller portions.” Sound familiar? Good advice, certainly, but it’s so vague. Carefully planning your meals and changing eating behavior are the most difficult aspects of improving your health. And if you have diabetes,  it’s a whole lot more than just avoiding sugar. […]

Family Health

  You love your family (and yourself) and you want everybody to be healthy. Thankfully, there are many different things you can do to help…

Family Health

You know that bowl of sugar packets on your table? There’s a white one, a blue one, a yellow one, a pink one…and now, a…