Women's Health

via BlackDoctor:   This information is for you ladies…Black women have been faced with the very real danger of being diagnosed with uterine fibroids for many years now, but experts are saying there’s little to fear now due to medical advancements. CLICK HERE to read full story

Family Health

via BlackDoctor: In a recent government-sponsored research, Fibroids are said to occur three times as likely in African American women than in any other race of woman in the United States. So why aren’t we talking about it more? The overwhelming prevalence of the benign, non-cancerous growths are growing at a rapid rate in the African […]

Family Health

via BlackDoctor: Hair loss occurs among both men and women of all races for a variety of reasons. Hereditary hair thinning is common, even among healthy women. Loss can also be the result of chemotherapy treatments, certain cardiac medications, antidepressants, androgen-dominant birth control pills, or simply be age-related. It may also indicate an eating disorder […]

News One Exclusives

According to statistics, 70 percent of White women and 90 percent of Black women have had fibroids by age fifty. As a result of the often times debilitating condition, more than 200,000 hysterectomies are performed each year for uterine fibroids.

News One Exclusives

Many African-American women have experienced the impact of fibroids, which can cause weight gain, painful menstrual cycles, infertility, and other serious health-related issues. According to the…


Over 80% of black women deal with fibroids, which are benign (non-cancerous) tumors inside of a woman’s uterus. While there are many different types of…

Family Health

In the United States, black women are two to three times more likely to have fibroids than white women. These fibroids, which are noncancerous growths that…

Women's Health

According to HealthDay, black women are more likely than whites to have severe uterine fibroid symptoms, and 32 percent of black women wait more than five years before seeking medical treatment compared to 17 percent of whites. Fibroids, which are benign tumor in and around the uterus, affect up to 80 percent of American women before […]